I frequently run across patients that do not know what an Endodontist is, let alone what they do! I would like to present 3 common myths about Endodontists you may come across here in Utah:
1) Endodontists are expensive!
FALSE! In our office, we have made our fees to be as low, if not lower in some cases as most dentists. Whether you are paying with cash or insurance, your fee is comparable to any other dentist. Especially if you are paying with insurance, the fees are set by each policy, which means we can all only charge the same maximum fee!
2) My dentist can do the root canal just as well as anyone!
This may be true in some cases, like easier root canals in the front, or single rooted teeth, but Endodontists have an additional 2-3 years of residency dedicated solely to research, study, and clinical work with root canals! That means 1000’s of hours and root canals more than the average dentist. Root canals are a procedure that requires experience, and endodontists have that!
3) Every dentist in Utah uses the same tools and equipment.
An endodontist probably would use the same stuff anyway. This also may be true in some cases, but the majority of the time it is FALSE! Endodontists use microscopic magnification for all procedures, which enables them to see root canals otherwise left untreated. We also have additional small equipment that when all combined makes your appointment faster, more efficient, and more successful in the long term!
If you would like to see what a difference a root canal specialist can make for your toothache, then please call our office located in Lehi, Utah today at 801-901-6095 or visit our website at www.eastpointendodontics.com.
Dr. Smith
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