Edge Pro Microfluidic Irrigation

3397 N. 1200 E.
Suite 112

Lehi, UT 84043

Regular Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm

(801) 901-6095

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The New EdgePro Laser-Activated Irrigation System

The future of endodontic cleaning using a safe, effective laser to kill up to 99% of bacteria

What are the advantages of EdgePro Laser versus regular rinsing and disinfection?

  • It’s quick! Takes 20 seconds to use in most canals.
  • The technology EdgePRO uses is backed by years of research and peer-reviewed studies. 
  • It allows us to do treatment in one visit many times where before it would require multiple visits.
  • It allows us to work quicker to disinfect the tooth to take less time out of your day.
  • Microfluidic irrigation removes infected tissue, biofilm, and smear layer